Our Career Centers can provide financial assistance for re-training to eligible applicants. The following are eligibility guidelines and documentation required for adults (18 years+). Additionally, you must currently reside or have been laid off within our service delivery area.

Proof of Age: (one of the following) birth certificate, driver’s license, DD214 (veterans only), baptismal record, federal/state/local government identification card, Selective Service card, hospital record or passport.

Work Authorization: (one of the following) birth certificate (for US citizens), US passport, voter registration card, alien registration card indicating right to work, foreign passport stamped eligible to work or naturalization certification.

Selective Service Compliance: Males 18 or older who were born on or after December 31, 1959 must be in compliance with the Military Selective Service Act (draft registration). Acceptable forms of documentation include: DD214 (veteran’s status), Selective Service card, Selective Service registration form, stamped post office receipt of registration. Verify your Selective Service Complience here.

Also must be eligible under one of the following 4 criteria:

  1. Dislocated Worker  an individual who has been terminated or laid off, or who has received a notice of termination or layoff from employment and is eligible for or has exhausted entitlement to unemployment compensation. *Documentation of unemployment insurance (UI) records required.
  2. Targeted Company Lay-Offs– Metro SouthWest frequently applies for, and receives federal grants to serve workers laid off from specific companies. Eligibility is based on date of separation from the company. (See a list of targeted companies below.) Metro SouthWest currently has targeted grants to provide employment and training services to the following National Emergency Grant and Trade Adjustment Act certified companies. Please contact us for more information.

Trade Adjustment Act Companies:
BNY Mellon Investment Services
Astra Zeneca, LP

  1. Displaced Homemaker – an individual who has been providing unpaid services to family members in the home and who has been dependent on the income of another family member, but is no longer supported by that income. Documentation required to determine “Displaced Homemaker” status would be tax returns, Social Security documents, death certificate or divorce decree.
  2. Economically Disadvantaged status based on family size and income which includes gross wages and salaries (before deductions), pay received while serving in the Armed Forces, pensions, Worker’s Compensation, interest and dividends, net rental income and fixed term or lifetime winnings. It does not include unemployment compensation payments, child support, savings, food stamps and some forms of public assistance such as SSI, TAFDC or EAEDC. The income guidelines for program year 2017 based on family size and previous 6 month allowed income are:
    1. $16,572
    2. $27,160
    3. $37,292
    4. $46,026
    5. $54,318
    6. $63,518

You will be asked to document your family income and your family size for eligibility purposes for the last 6 months.

A family is defined as:

  1. a husband, wife and dependent children
  2. a parent or guardian and dependent children
  3. a husband and wife*An individual not meeting the above definition of family is considered to be a family of one. A single individual 18 years or older living apart from family, as defined above, is a family of one. An individual with a disability is also considered a family of one. Acceptable forms of family size verification are birth certificates statements, medical cards or most recent tax return supported by IRS documents (e.g. Letter 1722).

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